Vila Nova de Milfontes

Vila Nova de Milfontes
One of the oldest parishes in the municipality. Founded by royal decree of D. João II in 1486, Vila Nova de Milfontes was a county, later added to Odemira, at the time of the administrative reforms of the 19th century.

"Vila Nova de Milfontes is linked to the great achievement of Portuguese aviation which was the first air crossing between Portugal and Macau"

The village grew along the mouth of the river Mira, developing from the river-sea port, having for several centuries even constituted an outer port of Odemira.

The village had a troubled history for centuries, faced with the dangers coming from the sea: piracy and privateering. An episode of record was in 1590, when a powerful attack by corsairs destroyed the town.

Faced with the need for security in the town and navigation, the fort of São Clemente was built between 1599 and 1602, during the time of King D. Filipe II.

Vila Nova de Milfontes is linked to the great achievement of Portuguese aviation, which was the first air crossing between Portugal and Macau, carried out by Brito Paes and Sarmento Beires. It was on April 7, 1924 that the pilots left Campo dos Coitos, next to Milfontes, heading for the East. In honor of the aviators and their historic feat, a monument was erected in Praça da Barbacã, next to the fort, which recalls the heroic journey. It should be noted that Commander Brito Paes was a native of the municipality, more specifically Colos.

Its beaches are characterized by the vast expanse of sand, unlike the beaches of other parishes, hidden between the cliffs. Highlights include the beaches of Aivados (the northern limit of the municipality of Odemira), Malhão and, next to the village, the beaches of Farol, Franquia and Furnas.

On a visit to Vila Nova de Milfontes, we naturally recommend the beaches, a boat trip on the Mira river or, for an all-terrain adventure, a walk through the mountains. Inside the village, don’t miss the fort of São Clemente and its barbican, the mother church and the Chapel of São Sebastião.

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